A great week for series lovers if you look at the numbers on Disney +.
Let’s start with the series in which a new episode appeared: One day at disney, Episode 40. In this we follow Alice Taylor who talks about her work at StudioLAB. Not bad right?
GREEN in the big city: This series is exclusively for children. In it we follow Cricket Green, a wrestler and an optimistic boy who has just arrived in the city. He makes the necessary adventures there!
Gabbi Duran de Alien Babysitter: Gabby Duron always feels that she is in the shadow of her smooth, successful mother Dina and bright younger sister Olivia. But Gabby gets a chance to show what she can do when she performs an alien job as a babysitter for a group of rebellious alien children who remain unseen on Earth. Gabby is brave and does not use words to try to prove that she is the best nanny in the galaxy.
EARTH TO NED: From Jim Henson Company. A fame show with foreign commander Ned and his lieutenant Cornelius, who ceased their attack on Earth as they fell in love with our culture. On the bridge of their underground spacecraft, Ned and Cornelius acquire our planet’s greatest asset: the celebs. With the help of the ship’s artificial intelligence, known as the BTI, and the devastating clods, Ned must keep his show secret from his home planet or await the Admiral’s wrath of the intergalactic fleet.
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