British filmmaker Michael Apted, the man behind the James Bond film, among other things the world is Not EnoughDied at the age of 79. His US agent announced this to the Reuters news agency on Friday. His work is a wide range of Hollywood films, TV shows and documentary series UP, In which he visited fourteen children every seven years, to see how his life had changed in the meantime.
Apted grew up in the United Kingdom. He studied at the University of Cambridge and began his career as a researcher with the English regional television network ITV Grenada. There he brought the idea for the documentary series UPThe first episode aired in 1964. The series follows fourteen-year-olds of various backgrounds for decades and has won numerous awards over the years. The most recent episode, 63 up, Was released in 2019. Oscar-awarding institution The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences tweeted on Friday that Apted “will always be remembered for the groundbreaking documentary series.” UP“. The series was never awarded an Oscar.
In his thirties, Apted moved to Los Angeles and directed dozens of feature films, including Gorilla in the mist, thunder heart, enigma In a thriller Gorky Park. Apted died at his Los Angeles home. The cause of death is unknown.