Carrie apologized to star Jane Danson for the “painful” tweet

Coronation Street Former student Vicky Entwistle has apologized to Jane Danson after making some “harmful” comments.

Danson’s character Lean Battersby is at the center of a heartbreaking story involving his son Oliver, who had a rare mitochondrial disease that prevented him from working without a device. After fighting the doctors’ decision to let him go in peace, Lynn finally expressed annoyance and Oliver died.

Entwistle Toah, who played Lenny’s stepmother Janice until 2011, responded to actress Georgia Taylor’s tweet, praising Danson’s performance.

Vicky entrance


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“But imagine if there’s a better writer behind it !!!” Entwistle wrote. “Something like that would have happened !!!”

Danson shut down his former co-star with his answer, Tweets: “It’s so disrespectful. These were some of the best scripts I’ve ever had. Shame on you for writing this! Very disappointed [with] “How the comment was meant.”

Entwistle deleted his original tweet and later apologized to the public. “I apologize to @relegandanson this morning,” he wrote. “That’s right. She’s a great actress! My tweet was childish and hurtful. I understand and I’m really sorry for any injuries I may have caused.”

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Danson then thanked him for his forgiveness.

Oliver’s passage will affect Lian for a long time to come and we’ll see the initial result next week.

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Coronation Street Broadcast on ITV on Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday nights at 30.30pm and 8.30pm, Fridays sometimes feature one-hour long episodes from 30.30pm.

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