Virus mutation in the UK
More and more countries are blocking air traffic with the United Kingdom. The reason is a mutated version of Kovid-19 which has surfaced on the British Isles. This mutation would be more contagious than what we already know. We discuss with a virologist whether we should be worried Marion copamons.
We also talk to the minister Hugo de Jagen of Health. He should determine whether additional measures are necessary. And we see how the British react to tough measures with our correspondent Tim de Witt.
UK in isolation for a new version of Coronavirus
Brexit expires
The British are getting enough in their plate in these last weeks of the year. The virus is now forcing a British secession, but the definitive Brexit deadline ends on the horizon. Many deadlines have been moved or adjusted in recent years, so it is difficult to say whether the 31st will be the actual deadline, but officially there should be a deal between the European Union and the British. Otherwise it will still be a no Deal.
With only eleven days to go, there were still some serious stumbles. We talk to the reporter about it Tim de witt And mep Cut Piri. He maintains short lines of communication with the European Union’s chief negotiator in the European Parliament Michelle Barnier.
And then tonight is Brexit deadline
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