19% of the population lives in a stockwatch apartment

In 2019, 46% of the European Union’s population lived in apartments, while more than a third (35%) lived in detached houses and about a fifth (19%) lived in semi-detached or terraced houses, as before. According to the data released today. Eurostat, Statistical Service of the European Union. In Cyprus, 15.7% live in detached houses, 16.1% live in semi-detached houses and 19.1% live in apartments.

Apartments were the most common type of housing in 14 member states, most notably in Latvia (66% of people live in apartments), Spain (65%) and Estonia (61%). The member states with the lowest percentage of apartment dwellers are Ireland (8%) and the Netherlands (21%).

In contrast, in Croatia (68%) more than two-thirds of the population live in separate households, followed by Slovenia (66%), Hungary, Romania (both 65%) and Denmark (54%). The Netherlands and Ireland were the only two countries in the European Union where more than half of the population lived in semi-segregated homes in 2019 (58% and 53% respectively).

In 2019, seven out of ten (70%) people in the European Union lived in a house or apartment they owned. The number of owners exceeded tenants in all EU member states in 2019, with the highest percentage of landlords in Romania (96%), Hungary (92%), Slovakia (91%) and Lithuania (90%). The lowest percentage of owner-occupied homes were in Germany (51%) and Austria (55%).

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