Virus movies and virus series
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Important article: All contributions and content are purely for entertainment and information purposes. The editors assume no obligation or guarantee for the completeness and correctness of the content. There is no advisory function in our content, all recommendations are to be used independently. We do not replace legal advice or medical treatment. We clearly indicate that you should contact specialist specialists if you have personal requirements or a position.

Darko Jurin (The Philosopher) was born on 4 May 1985 in Vienna. He is a qualified media expert and online social media manager. Over the years he has been involved in music production, visual effects, logo and web design, portrait and architecture photography and SEO – search engine optimization. He discovered his passion for blogging 12 years ago. The new man is not just a project for him, he sees it as his call to express his thinking and opinion in this way.

Comment Guidelines: We look forward to your comments! We ask you to follow our guidelines: Please be polite, pay attention to your conversational tone and be easy to understand. We want to state that we check all comments before they are published and have no right to publish. Content with advertising, racist, pornographic, as well as discriminatory content, potentially illegal or criminal content will not be published and will be removed. We also ask you to avoid willful infringement of copyright. Despite the investigation, we as a portal keep a distance from personal views, opinions and recommendations. We do not assume any obligation or guarantee for the correctness and completeness of the content.

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